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1 Timothy 2:1

The conditions perhaps most conducive towards worshiping our Lord and Savior are within times of stability, in an environment of calm and serene communion. This principle is as true for the home or church as if is for our greater society. Though we may never hope to attain God’s Heavenly Kingdom here on earth, this is not so to say that a paradise of peace and understanding is also impossible. Rather, it is our duty to labor for God and partake in His creation, and support and nurture one another. If we dare to dream of the world we wish to inhabit as one conducive to worshipping His name, then it begins with generosity towards one's fellow man.

Lord above, open my heart towards Your creation, and grant me the courage to love others as I do Your bidding upon earth. Grant me the strength to pray for those who do not pray for me, and serve those in need, for to all men Your salvation is extended. Finally, grant me an honest and clean heart to serve thee with Lord, so that I may also better serve my fellow man. Grant me all this Lord, so that Your creation, as it is in Heaven, may one day sing upon the earth its Hosanna’s, in praise of Your paradise. Amen.

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